Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflections of the world we live in...

I have fascination with music which I express mostly guitar. I am not creating order out of chaos or anything so nob I wish I could see and feel color like Monet, or taste the absurd post modern world like Dali, but I can't. I can make sounds on the guitar. Slightly more articulate than the inchoate grunting of a base savage, constrained by the shortcomings of my own misunderstanding of the universe and my limited ability to make sense of it all. It is with this rustic  pallette that i try to communicate the beauty, pain, anguish, love, anger, and absurdity thataI see within the world. When i play a song it is my hope that I can share some of the passion and depth that I feel when I hear and play different pieces of music.

Communication is not as easy as it sounds. Even among musicians there are disconnects. Obviously divergent genres of music have a certain commonality, just as there is a commonality in the language of music theory. How complex is music a  a language if we need an entire lexicon to describe the concepts of this unspoken form of communication? The communication I speak of is less defined and more a reflection of the world as fractured and broken down into its component parts by the prism of my mind/soul.

I have been working to develop an acoustic version of Led Zepplin's Kashmir. the original recording is in a DADGAD tuning. My version is in a standard tuning which necessitates some fast chord changes, but it has the advantage of being one less tuning i either have to do on the fly, or bring a pretuned guitar in order to play it. My version also has a distinctly lonlier flavor than the original due to the generous use of sus2 chords.

While relating this to an aquaintance who also plays music I was surprised to hear him ask 'Dude, do you like do bong hits and then play guitar all day?" I'm still unsure exactly what he meant by the comment. 

Maybe that's why I dig music so much. English is such an imprecise language, and music seems to connect on a very base level, even with people who a not musicians. 

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